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“Abigail, I just had to share this with you…” This ain’t your typical “look at me, I’m so great” client review.

Updated: Jul 29

It’s easy for a home stager to just drop-off furniture and never give that property another thought until the lease end… But I’m a bit more invested in that. (I can’t help it.)

I’m a slut for stats. (I kind of can’t believe I wrote that and I may have to go back and edit if I can think of anything more appropriate… But I can’t right now.)

But I’m sorry, it’s the truth! I not only live for the before-and-afters, but I want to know: how many buyers came through the open house, what they thought of the staging, how many offers were made, how quickly it went under agreement, how good were the offers, did any buyers waive the inspection or appraisal, did any offer over and if so, how much, were they willing to close quickly or on the seller’s terms, how did this property present in comparison to others in the neighborhood, were they willing to sacrifice their first born, etc.

I want to know it ALL. And often times, I will follow-up to ask for all the TEA… But I love when agents and especially sellers reach out first to share staging success stories with me.

So you can imagine my immense excitement when a seller sent me an email that started with:

“Abigail, I just had to share this with you…”

Are you just dying? I was dying. Tell me everything. Immediately.

She went on…

“The same weekend our house went on the market, another very similar house in the same neighborhood was listed for sale. We had the same square footage. As you know, our house was on a very busy intersection. Theirs was on a quiet side street around the corner. Similar amount of land. They had a garage – we did not. Same day for open houses, etc. We had you and your AMAZING staging. On a busy corner, no garage, same everything else, we sold for $60,000 more! What a difference your staging made! Thank you for what you do!”

I was driving when I got this email and had to pull over.


Because it’s not your every day 5-star review and feedback. It’s not the typical “that Abigail is a great communicator” or “that Abigail has quality inventory” or “that Abigail has the best value.” Don’t get me wrong, I love receiving ANY 5-star review that speaks highly about me and/or my business…

But THIS review. THIS feedback. THIS was so special because this seller actually SAW and WITNESSED the power of home staging. They saw what I quack quack quack about every single day in hopes more agents and more sellers will realize that staging is not optional – it’s absolutely pivotal – when marketing and selling a property. ANY property.

Sometimes I feel like a broken record: “Staged properties sell quickly and for top dollar.”

But what does that MEAN?

Well, people, THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS. It quite literally means if you put your best foot forward by investing in quality staging, you can pocket an extra $60,000 even though you’re on a busy corner and don’t have a garage.

I am so thrilled for this seller and their agent. So so so thrilled. Nothing brings me more joy than a seller who not only has a positive staging experience but really learned and can appreciate the value in home staging services.

DO NOT hesitate to reach out or you may end up like my seller’s neighbor who left $60,000 on the table.

Cell: 617-519-9133 (Call or Text)

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